Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're still here!

Hody-doo?  Haven't posted in a while, been working on a NEW game.  You see, Sir Steampunk wasn't that creative, and it seems all the more lame since Damnation is coming out. 
My NEW game, can only be described as REVOLUTIONARY.  Seriously, that's all I can describe it as.  It's so REVOLUTIONARY that if I let anyone know about it, they'd copy my idea and make a fortune out of it, because it's so REVOLUTIONARY.   When I do get it finished, I'll send it over to a big name in the game industry, can't tell you which one because the game is so REVOLUTIONARY!!!!  Just wait.  

On another note, Jhonen Vasquez responded to me on Twitter!  Unfortunately, I couldn't understand a lick of it.

Friday, March 6, 2009


   I've finally decided to write about an actual gnar thing that isn't by me.  It's this game for iPod, called Phase.  It's made by Harmonix, who made Guitar Hero 1, 2, and Guitar Hero: Encore: Rocks the 80's.  They also made Rock Band after they split from RedOctane, and a bunch of other games which you can read about in Wikipedia.  Anyways, the game looks like Guitar Hero or Rock Band, but plays music from your iTunes library.  You use the center, forward, and backward buttons to activate the notes.  At least once per song, there'll be these blue "sweeps" which you hit by turning the clickwheel in the shape that is coming down the road thingy.  
   It's way better than Tap-Tap Revenge, since Phase has a unique art style that has these cool little doodle things that show up on the side of the road, unlike the boring black background of Tap-Tap.  And Tap-Tap can't use your music- TAKE THAT iPHONE USERS!!!!! >:D  
  Just buy it and support this awesome type of game.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Monster

   Finally, we got a real snowday.  This year, we've had days off, but not an actual layer of snow.  So today, I decided I should make a bizarre snow monster.  I've always wanted too, but never really gotten around to it.  You may now admire it and think, "Cap'n Walrus is the gnarrest being throughout multiple universes*."


* Is it really universes?  Univi?  Universees?  Whatever.  Tell me in the comments, which you never post on!!!!!